Welcome to TeXworks AllTeXing


This is a temporary repository for documents and programmes for the TeXworks system.

TeXworks is in development and these documents and programmes are provided "as is".


Here the versions of the manual(en v0.1r.357)/manuel(fr v0.1r357)/manuel(es v0.1r357), with online help.

And the HTML help files to be unzipped in the folders "texworks-help\TeXworks Manual\en" or "fr" or "es" of the programme/executable folder: in English, in French and in Spanish

Programmes for Windows (run on Windows XP and Vista)

We propose one version compiled with Mingw32. There are .dlls required.

For each there is the base base, the program with test print possibilities, the program with test Lua scripting and the program with both printing and Lua (tests).

experimental shortcuts
dlls for above

Unzip everything (program and corresponding dlls) in the same folder, where you want (I did put them in c:\program files\texworks - under Windows).

As explained in the manual, at first use a working folder will be created, see the manual (and below about the TeXworks-setup.ini).

These versions allow relocating the working TeXworks folder (with the configuration folders/files - ex. for USB), but it doesn't require to be used like this. This is achieved by creating a TeXworks-setup.ini file in the TeXworks program file; see for example the following file, which I use:

defaultbinpaths = C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.7/miktex/bin
inipath = C:/adel/TeXworks/                                               
libpath = C:/adel/TeXworks/

The defaultbinpaths is the location of your TeX distribution and could be left out if the path is present in the system variables
The inipath and libpath point to the TeXworks folder, normally created in C:\Documents and Settings\<your name> (under Windows), when you first use TeXworks; (this folder I moved to C:\adel)

Both versions allow defining personal shorcuts for the actions.

Put a file named "shortcuts.ini" in the configuration folder of the working folder, next to "auto-indent-patterns.txt", "delimiter-pairs.txt", ..., "texworks-config.txt".
See, as an example, the file shortcuts.ini:

actionHard_Wrap = Shift+F3 Shift+F3 opens the hardwrap dialog box in the source
actionLast_Page = Ctrl+End
in preview, Ctrl+End goes to last page
actionFirst_Page = Ctrl+Home
in preview, Ctrl+Home goes to first page
actionWrap_Lines = F3
F3 wrap/unwrap lines in the source
actionLine_Numbers = F4
F4 shows/hides line numbers in the source
actionBalance_Delimiters = F9
F9 select text between corresponding delimiters in the source

The possible actions can be found in the following files actions_alpha.txt (sorting alphabetically) and actions_menus.txt (sorted by position in the menus).